Doors, Doors ... and more Doors!

Doors always fascinate me. Some are ornate, others plain. Works of art, some of them are. In New England red doors are welcoming. What's behind a door? Sometimes a room, sometimes a driveway, sometimes more doors!

Remember the old honky-tonk tune Green Door?

Midnight, one more night without sleepin'
Watchin', till the morning comes creepin'
Green door, what's that secret you're keepin'?

There's an old piano and they play it hot behind the green door
Don't know what they're doin' but they laugh a lot behind the green door
Wish they'd let me in so I could find out what's behind the green door
Marvin Moore, Bob Davie (C) Alley Music Corp.

When we were in Paris several years ago, I remembered finding so many wonderful doors along the boulevards, down the avenues and hidden in alleys. So this time, I took photos of many of the doors we saw. Some are fantastic. Others colorful. Some downright mystifying.

This very traditional Parisian door has seen some wear over time.

Sometimes it's not the door, but what's around it that catches my eye!

Tucked into a corner, this oak door almost hides!

This oxblood red is a popular color for doors.

Green comes in a close second, by my count.

This red-red door is much like the "welcoming" color of New England.

The transom above this door seems to radiate warmth.

The scene carved into this door, and the two muses above, give this entry a very aristocratic air.

Beautifully designed and proportioned entry door.

Art Nouveau ... the entry to a tea salon.

Geometric, stout and a bit foreboding.

Could be right out of Roman times!

This is a tall door combining a whole array of architectural styles.

Gates are doors ... right?

What's behind that door ... maybe this.

Looks like home.

Really a pretty door ... just seen better times, I guess.

Another very tall door ... almost looks like a tiny balcony above it.

Now this one has a real balcony above.

This was my favorite find on our strolls through the streets of Paris. It has just enough decoration to be very interesting, but it does not overwhelm.

The two grids are guarded by ancient heads in the middle.

Even the pull handle has character.
Not sure what this says, but it's cool!


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