Antiquarian Books

We just found this cache of old books -- classical fiction and plays from the 19th century.  I have not yet placed them for sale online, but they are available in the shop or via email. The books have excellent full or partial leather covers, wonderful old world type and some have fancy paper inside the covers. All are written in French, some published in Paris, others in Brussels. Titles include: Don Quixote (V5) by Cervantes 1802; Oeuvres (V1, 2 & 5) by Jean Racine 1803; Les Saintes Voies de la Croix by Boudon 1752; and eight volumes of plays, both comedies and dramas, published in 1827-8. All are smallish books about 3.5 x 5 inches in size. These are mostly priced at $40 each (Don Quixote V5 is $75).

We have other antiquarian and collectible books on our online antique site. These will be added as time permits.


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