Lost & Found: The Art of Luis Gutierrez
Luis Gutierrez is a quiet, gentle man who has visited Vintages many times over the years. In an article in Examiner.com, It's about ideas: Luis Gutierrez, artist, columnist Erica Gross captures a glimpse of Luis that I find familiar:
Luis Gutierrez draws, paints, and creates collages and assemblages. He is an inveterate collector, picking up things he finds on walks, and going through stacks of old photographs at antique stores. Many of his finds – old toys, found objects, and game pieces – become part of his work. His home on a quiet street in Los Gatos is filled with his paintings and drawings, as well as treasures he’s acquired along the way. He taught art at San Jose City College for twenty-seven years, where he encountered people from a variety of backgrounds.
The "Lost & Found" works are true folk, art stripped of pretense and making a simple, straightforward statement. The works range from mounted antique toys to hanging anatomical charts to old letters with interesting notes, stamps and penmanship. The two works shown here incorporate antique items that Luis found at Vintages.
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