Vintages' Paris Apartment Style

Our trip to Paris this past September filled us with ideas and inspiration about the old, elegant style of Paris.  We were ecstatic when we found resources at the trade shows in January that reflected that same style.  Add to that our own finds from estates and local artists and we now have a nice selection of Paris Apartment design elements at Vintages.  There's more than what we present here, and more to come...

So, what is Paris Apartment style?  It's somewhat hard to define.  It is based on the concept of blending -- blending ages, color tones, textures and scale.  Think Victorian chairs with Baroque tables.  Or Art Deco vanity sets laid out on a Empire dresser.  Or large Paris posters above a pair of Corinthian columns.  Muted silver and pewter tones highlighted with gold gilding.  And Asian horses aside majolica chickens.  Got the picture?

We love the style and have chosen quite a number of decorative accessories and accents, fun collectibles and functional pieces for your perusal.
There is a lot of helpful interior design information on the internet about Paris Apartment Style.  Two that I find interesting are: Decorating in the Paris Apartment Style by Coral Nafie and New French Decor on the Paris Hotel blog.


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