Paris in the Springtime

We love Paris ... and so do so many of the people who visit our shop in Los Gatos. We just had a visit from Jill Mitchell, a self-described American “French Vintage Addict” living in Provence. She posted some great comments and photos of Vintages on her blog -- Le Trip. Thanks for the kind words Jill. If you are planning a trip to France, check out her site, Jill Mitchell's Le Trip, where she offers tips and trips.

Over the years we have picked up some wonderful Parisien post cards. Here are a few of our favorites.
This flyer came from an old Victorian era scrapbook. It is from the 1878 Paris Exposition.
Susan has made some wonderful Paris themed silver solder pendants, bookmarks and door hangers. These are available in many styles at $18.95 each.


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