Anyone for Bridge?

The game of bridge, and its predecessor whist, have engendered all kinds of paraphernalia to decorate tables, count the points, keep tabs on the bidding and more. Tally pads are one of the items that so many creative people have made using their imagination and bits of glue, glitter, felt and ink.

These little ladies were made half a century ago. Someone with lots of talent did these! The faces are painted on little wood discs. The dresses and hats are felt with decorations of feathers, flowers, ribbons & trim, tiny beads and sequins. Inside there is a tally card for progressive bridge. These are classy ladies.Along with tally cards, table decorations would have included table numbers or markers. Here are a couple of sets -- one celluloid and the other hand painted porcelain.
Bridge and whist counters and trump indicators are at the top of the collecting pyramid. These come in many shapes, sizes and materials. Through the years there have been many creative means to count points and indicate trumps. Here is one that we have that is in the shape of a world globe.Click on any of the pictures to get more information about the item (except for the tallies, which are part of our personal collection).


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