Vintage Bridal Jewelry
Something old; Something new; Something borrowed; Something blue. This traditional mantra of bridal attire has guided brides for a very long time. Simple, elegant vintage jewelry is so appropriate for the lady who wants just a bit of decoration on her special day. When it comes to bridal jewelry, necklaces and earrings of simple, natural elegance like pearls or diamond solitaires are just right. Jackie Kennedy wore a simple single strand of pearls. Elegant! For Audrey Hepburn, her incomparable beauty was enough to make any jewelry look spectacular. Princess Grace Kelly needed no embellishment to carry the day (although she did have that famous Cartier diamond ring) and Sophia Loren can wear big, over-the-top necklaces with ease. If more sparkle is desired, beautiful crystal rhinestone jewelry is an excellent choice, and will not break the bank. Simple necklaces of gold or silver chains with elegant pendants of solitaire gems or Victorian lavalieres look gorgeous....